Strategic Plan for Daley Ranch Youth Camping/Interpretive Center
Request for Proposals – Replies due Friday March 15th at 5pm
The Escondido Creek Conservancy (Conservancy), in partnership with the FODR, has received a small grant to investigate the creation of a youth interpretive center and/or primitive campground on/near the site of the White building. The goal of re-purposing the site is to provide activities for youth groups, especially those groups providing opportunities to local low-income youth, to enjoy unique outdoor educational opportunities at Daley Ranch. The Conservancy and the FODR are seeking a planning consultant to help develop a strategy to re-purpose the site for youth activities, consistent with the Daley Ranch Master Plan. The strategy will be developed in coordination with the City of Escondido and the FODR. The Conservancy’s youth Conservation Fellows must be incorporated into the planning process.
Our goal at the end of this planning process, which should be completed by June 30, 2019, is to have a document(s) appropriate for approval by the City of Escondido and usable as a basis to develop grant applications to seek funding to implement recommended improvements.
Submit Questions to FODR at [email protected] and the Conservancy at [email protected]
Responses will be posted below:
March 9, 2019
1. Can you please provide a list of local community groups and agencies that you wish for us to engage besides the ones listed in the RF?
A. There is no set list of community groups we’d like the consultant to reach. Part of the reason we are seeking a consultant is to help us identify groups that could benefit from a facility at the White building in Daley Ranch, especially North County youth groups, and engage them in the process.
2. Do you have a site plan/ survey information of existing premises and buildings that you can share?
A. See Site plan can be found at: historicdesignation_report_siteplan
Note: Daley Ranch White House is labeled as “Bunkhouse” on linked site plan
3. Please send us a copy of the Daley Ranch Master Plan.
A. The Daley Ranch Master Plan can be found at:
4. Are there any environmental features on the site we should be aware of?
A. No unique known features, other than described previously. Poison oak is present at the site.