Eucalyptus Trees: A non-native species
Did you know, Eucalyptus trees are a non-native plant species in Southern California? Desired for their oil used for its medicinal properties, this plant is actually a major fire hazard.
Not only does the oil of Eucalyptus trees allow nothing to grow around the plant itself, it is also the perfect ingredient to allow a fire to rapidly ignite and spread.
How do we tell the difference between native and nonnative plant species? In our chaparral climate, waxy leaves and plants growing in bunches are key indicators that they are native to the habitat. These waxy leaves are less flammable, therefore helping inhibit the spread of fires if one occurs.
On our current preserves we still struggle to rid our ecosystem of these invasive and flammable plants. At Keithley Preserve, you can find Eucalyptus trees that are up to eighteen feet tall!
Our land management team is working tirelessly to remove invasive species and keep our habitats as healthy and fire safe as possible. Support their work and our mission to restore Southern California’s plant life to a flourishing state by donation here.
Next time you’re on one of our preserves, see if you can point out the difference between a native and non-native plant species as you’re adventuring on the trails.