For birds’ sake, trim trees in fall and winter
Do your trees need trimming? It’s best to plan tree work for the fall and winter months, says our friend Penny Hernandez, president of Palomar Audubon Society. In her “A Bird’s Eye View” column, Hernandez notes that nesting season runs from Feb. 1 through Aug. 15.
Birds and active nests are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Migratory Bird Protection Act of 2019, Hernandez writes. She also cites California Fish and Game Code 3503, which states: “It is unlawful to take, possess, or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird…”
The column includes a list of when many birds nest:
- January-March: Great horned owl, ravens
- March-June: Screech owls
- February-May: Hummingbirds, songbirds, swallows
- April: Red-tailed hawk
- May-June: Robins, gold finch, mockingbirds
- April-July: Red-shoulder hawk
- March-August: Orioles
- June: Cooper’s hawk
Hernandez laments that tree trimmers destroyed an owl’s nest at the complex where she lives. She recommends reporting any perceived violation to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s tip line: 888-334-2258.