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Our Case for Community Gardens

We are pleased to join the City of Escondido in talks to plan the Escondido Creek Trail Expansion and Renovation Project. The project has great potential to provide residents with natural park space to soften the existing, concrete-encased flood control channel. In a letter to Deputy City Manager Joanna Axelrod, Escondido Creek Conservancy President Richard Murphy identifies six locations along the trail for community gardens, where residents could reserve plots to grow flowers and vegetables.

Community gardens would be especially popular among residents who live in apartments and have no yard space. As an added benefit, the presence of people tending their plots would add to the safety and security of the park.

In his letter, Murphy identifies potential garden locations at The Escondido Transit Center; on Broadway; on strips of land adjoining the creek between Juniper and Hickory and Fig and Date streets and between Ash Street and Washington Avenue; and on property east of Rose Street near the U.S. Postal Service.

Community gardens strengthen neighborhoods. They provide a healthful outdoor activity and yield nutritious food. On a larger scale, community gardens can help reverse climate change.

Open Letter