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Use instead of and help Support TECC!

The internet shopping site will make a contribution to support the Escondido Creek Conservancy with a few simple clicks, and no cost, to you. How does it work? Amazon has set up a sister site called, with 100 percent of the same information that you’d find on If you use for all your shopping, and register the Escondido Creek Conservancy as your preferred charity, Amazon will begin making donations to TECC.

To shop simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to make it even easier to return. On your first visit, it’ll ask you to pick your favorite charity. If all is done correctly (and it is very easy), you will notice “Supporting: Escondido Creek Conservancy” at the top of your shopping page. If you bookmark that page, the site will remember your choice and the donations to TECC will begin and continue.

Note: Amazon calls the program Amazon Smile but the address is

More details at Thank you for supporting TECC when you shop!