The Escondido Creek Conservancy's Turtle Project

Supporting native wild life in our area: Turtles!
With the support of our wonderful donors like you, The Escondido Creek Conservancy has had great success leveraging small private donations into millions of dollars in grants that have resulted in the protection of thousands of acres of conservation land in North San Diego County.
Now are working on a additional project: Protecting turtles native to our region! The native southwestern pond turtle (turtle) has been struggling to survive due to pollution and predation by non-native species. It is declining in 80% of its range and, as a result, is being considered for listing as a federally threatened species. Up until recently we knew of only one small population in Escondido Creek. Very good news: in 2023, our Preserve Manager Donna discovered a new population of turtles in the creek! More good news, in 2024 a wonderful donor stepped up to help us complete a detailed habitat suitability study in six miles of the creek where a third population was found, underscoring the importance of Escondido Creek as a refuge for threatened and endangered species.
The Conservancy would like to do a similar study on additional miles of the creek, to help us refine and implement strategies to further enhance the creek for the southwestern pond turtle and other native reptiles and fish.
This new initiative to save the southwestern pond turtle's population is ambitious, and super exciting. We will put your donation to use where it is most needed by the project. The Conservancy wants to take additional steps to enhance the creek as turtle habitat and needs your help! Turtles have been on Earth for 200 million years. By supporting the Turtle Project, you can make sure they thrive into the future.
Please reach out to Executive Director Ann Van Leer at executive@escondidocreek.org or 858-442-0937 if you have any questions about how your donation will be used!